How To Fix A 500服务器内部错误 In WordPress



When you open a website 和 see the ‘error’ report, the report indicates that something had gone wrong while the web server 举办 the page was locating it. Do not worry; this is most likely not an issue on your part, e.g., with the computer or browser, or internet access. The issue is instead of the webpage you are trying to open.


您可能会遇到这个错误,不仅在 WordPress 平台,但在不同的CMS. 500服务器内部错误 is a typical bug report provided when no specific information can be offered. The reasons are not so apparent as in case of 404s; it makes sense to dig down to the real reason. 仔细看一下 常见错误原因 去了解你遇到了什么.

  • Apache 和 PHP error logs at times giving the potential reasons for site breakdown.
  • 的错误 .htaccess file which may hinder the access to the webpage you are trying to visit. 来检查一下 .htaccess file incorrect setting is the cause of the error, 您所要做的就是排除或重命名 .htaccess file for a while 和 reload the page after that.
  • PHP coding timeout that causes 505 error when too many network connectivities are unsuccessful. Make sure your PHP-script is encoded with timeout regulations. To improve your site performance 和 prevent server errors, remove the unwanted external connections.
  • CGI/PERL脚本中的语法或编码错误.

If the webpage runs Microsoft IIS, there is a chance to get a more specific bug report.

  • 500.0表示模块或ISAPI问题.
  • 500.15表示立即请求Global.避免了一些问题.
  • 500.21表示模块无法识别.
  • 500.100代表内部ASP故障等.

For more information on specific codes meaning, check the 微软状态码页.

How To Fix The Internal Server Error On Your WordPress

As mentioned before, 500 error occurs within the server rather than your computer. Yet there are still a few occasions when the reason may be on your part. To find out if this is the very case, try the following:

  • 重新启动页面. Push the reload button or press F5 or Ctrl+R on your keypad. The error is often temporary, 和 page reloading helps. Make sure you have not refreshed the page where you are on checkout process or entering credit card number, 重新启动可能会产生额外费用.
  • 清除缓存. Caching problems rarely cause the internal server error, yet it is worth to continue with clearing.
  • 删除cookies并刷新网页.
  • 让网站知道这个问题. Check the contact information list of the most popular websites.
  • 如果错误超出了您的控制,稍后返回.

Troubleshooting a 500服务器内部错误 on your WordPress website is entirely different 和 requires more investigation.

  • Exp和 PHP memory limit by forming the empty file called ‘php.ini.’. 在创建的文本文件中输入' memory=64MB '代码, save 和 download it to your WP folder with the help of FTP. Be aware that this is just a workaround because there is something that devastates the memory limit either it is a shoddily coded plug-in or template function. 找出正确的诊断, you would better contact your WP 举办 provider for checking the server logs.
  • 检查WP模板和插件. 消除WordPress插件. If this has fixed the issue, there is one black sheep among 插件. 重新激活主题. 考试. Then renew 插件 one by one testing between each reactivation until the test finds the failure 和 overdue plugin. Abolish it 和 communicate the problem to plugin creator.
  • 检查是否有损坏的核心文件. This is not a typical reason yet sometimes WP core file may fail. 要解决这个问题, re-upload the updated pack of core files (wp-admin 和 wp-includes directory) from a new WordPress installation.
  • Debug your WordPress page if you have not figured out the cause of the error yet. Fortunately, WP comes with built-in debugging feature. 将代码粘贴到wp-config中.php file, so all the errors occurred are noted in the file of your site folder.
  • Communicate the error to your host if you have used all attempts 和 nothing has helped. They should be able to figure out the reason by looking in the server logs.



The 500服务器内部错误 may be a real pain because you do not always underst和 the exact reason 和 cannot find the solution right away. To eliminate the issue, you need to dig in deeper 和 try different options. Yet we hope that the list of choices we have offered will minimize your search time 和 make troubleshooting less frustrating for you.



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